• Acted: 5th Century BC
  • Lived: 470-399 BC
  • School: Socratic
  • Main Interests: Epistemology, Ethics
  • Influences: Miletians, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides
  • Location: Athens


Wind buffs up empty bladders and opinion, fools.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΒ, 37

The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΖ, 22

Who are those who repent? "Those who got married".



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΞΗ, 30

It is easier keeping hot coal in your mouth, than keeping a secret.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΑ, 5

I know one thing, that I know nothing.



Unclear Origin

The beauty of glory wilts fast from envy, as if from a disease.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΛΗ, 34

Those who walk under the sun are followed by their shadow, but those who walk on the road of glory are followed by envy.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΛΗ, 5

Neither a woman without a man nor pure hope without toil can give birth to something useful.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΙ, 26

Jewelry and purple dye are useful for the theatre, not for life.



Βίοι καὶ γνῶμαι τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, Διογένης Λαέρτιος: Β, 25

We should offer incense to the gods and praise to virtuous people.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Α, 35

Those who are frugal are closest to the gods.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ε, 15

He is the richest who is content with the least.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΖ, 31

It is good to see the fire shine in the fireplace and prudence in happiness.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 86

When he was asked what happiness was, he replied: "The pleasure for which we shall never regret".



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΓ, 18

When he was asked who is happy, he replied: "The one who possesses both good feelings and prudence".



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΓ, 19

To boast when you are happy is the same as running a race on a slippery road.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΕ, 58

In life, as in theatre, one should stay until the play gives him delight.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΚΑ, 39

When someone told him: "You are trying to learn how to play the guitar at that age", he replied: "Better to learn something late, than not learn it at all".



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΘ, 68

Do not demand words from the dead, nor support from the avaricious.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Χ, 55

Ankle-high dresses constrain the bodies, as excessively large wealth constrains the soul.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 30

The wealth of the avaricious is like the setting sun, it pleases none of the creatures alive.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΣΤ, 26

When the day to drink the hemlock was drawing closer, Apollodorus gave him some nice clothes in order to die wearing them. He replied: "How come my clothes are fit to live in, but not good enough to die in"?



Βίοι καὶ γνῶμαι τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, Διογένης Λαέρτιος: Β, 35

As the wine corrodes its containers, so does wealth spoil the character.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Δ, 12

Wealth would worth more if it went along with joy, but those two are separate. If they want to use their wealth they are corrupted by opulence, if they want to save it, they are worn by worries and if they want to acquire it they are corrupted by desire.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 37

The city that is perfectly run is the one that abides by the law and punishes those who break it.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΓ, 83

One should avoid foods that entice you to eat them without feeling hungry, and drinks that entice you to drink them without feeling thirsty.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΑ, 20

Envy is the ulcer of the soul.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΛΗ, 48

When someone noble but envious mocked his humble ancestry, he replied: "My ancestry may bring me shame, but you bring shame to yours".



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ϟ, 12

It is not possible to extinguish a fire with your clothing or vulgar sins with time.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΣΤ, 31

Fire is fed by the wind, and love by habit.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΣΤ, 32

Power is the movement of the soul, along with the body.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ζ, 16

Life, like a statue, should have every part beautiful.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Α, 33

A horse shouldn’t be considered purebred by its luxurious mane but by its gifted nature, nor a man should be considered great by his big fortune but by his noble and strong soul.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Α, 37

Neither a ship must depend on a single anchor, nor life should be supported by a single hope.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Α, 86

Illness is the agitation of the body.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ρ, 7

The coward is a traitor to his country, and the ambitious a traitor to his inheritance.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Δ, 57

The prone to illness and the unwise to misfortune are difficult to cure.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Δ, 108

Cowards have weapons turned against them, while the imbeciles money.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Δ, 115

Neither the weapons of Achilles are suitable for Thersites, nor the goods of fortune are suitable for the fool.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Δ, 119

Men should obey the city laws and women the morals of their husbands.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΟΔ, 58

While explaining the true meaning behind the Horn of Amalthea he said: "If someone is not lazy but hardworking, he will possess all the goods."



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ν, 16

Once, when he was asked why he wouldn’t write, he replied: "Because I consider paper more valuable than anything going to be written on it".



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΑ, 9

In war, iron protects you better than gold, while in life reason better than wealth.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΠΑ, 12

Speech, like a competent statue-maker, gives a nice shape to the soul.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΠΑ, 13

In a festival, Alkiviades sent a lot of gifts to Socrates. Xanthippe was surprised and prompted Socrates to accept them. He told her: "We will confront Alkiviades’ thoughtfulness by being honorable ourselves, and not keeping what he sent us".



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΖ, 17

The definition of self-control is to restrain the bodily pleasures.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΖ, 28

Nobility is the well-balanced blending of soul and body.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Π, 20

The perfect wheat is not the one from the most fertile field, but the one which is most appropriate for eating. Similarly, we don’t consider an important man or true friend him who comes from a famous family, but him who has a superior morality.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Π, 23

The gods always laugh when they see mortals facing insignificant issues like they are of great importance.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ϟΗ, 69

A bed made of gold is no good to the sick, as a great fortune is no good to the fool.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ϟΔ, 13

Sweat is better when it comes from exercise and wealth when it comes from our own toils.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ϟΔ, 33

Wealth should be an assistant to our good deeds, as a loyal and eager friend.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ϟΔ, 34

It is our duty to set the soul free, and not burden it with tears and grief.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΙΗ, 24

Mooring a ship on a weak anchor is the same as mooring hope on a false conviction.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Β, 47

The luck of sycophants repeatedly manages to avoid misfortune.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΔ, 21

Hunters use dogs to hunt hares, and sycophants use praise to hunt the foolish.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΔ, 22

Even though wolves resemble dogs and sycophants resemble friends, both desire different things.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΔ, 23

Flattery is like a painted armor; only for show.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΔ, 24

It is impossible to go through life without sorrows, for it is not possible for someone to never get sad if he is living in a city or a house and deals with people.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ϟΘ, 35

Life is like a game of dice, and everyone should think alike when facing problems. One can neither roll it again nor change it.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΚΔ, 41

Greedy are those who are after profiteering, pushing away even their closest friends.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ι, 47

The capable should rejoice in happiness together, like in a social gathering.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΓ, 47

The most powerful city is the one with brave men.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΓ, 80

A city is ruled badly when its rulers are imposed by factions.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΓ, 81

Which city is perfect? The one that has won plenty of virtue’s prizes.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΓ, 82

We should use jokes in moderation, just like salt.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΛΔ, 18

The best King is the one who can control his passions.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΗ, 26

The sick should get advice from doctors, the unfortunate, from friends.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΙΓ, 16

A father’s criticism is a pleasant medicine, for it brings more benefit than sadness.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΠΓ, 22

Winter requires a roof, and old age the absence of sorrow.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΙΖ, 7

Who lives with serenity? "Those who don’t have a guilty conscience".



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΔ, 13

One should expel pleasures, not from others but from himself, and prepare his body accordingly.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ε, 33

One should especially avoid vulgar and unfair pleasures.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ε, 35

Self-sufficiency, like a short and pleasant path, possesses much grace and little struggle.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ε, 37

The richest man is the one who can settle for the absolute minimum. Self-sufficiency is the wealth of nature.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ε, 43

To the unwise father, we should behave as we do to strict law.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΟΘ, 42

With arrogance, as with bad sculpturing, the reality looks distorted.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΒ, 35

Superstition submits to arrogance, as a child to his father.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΒ, 36

The cruel ones are those who ridicule their equals.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΒ, 38

It is the same for someone who was defeated in a competition to take his competitor to court for hubris and to accuse fate of his misfortunes. In that way, someone shows that he ignores the terms by which all of us joined the competition of life.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΘ, 9

The life of the greedy resembles a dead man’s dinner. Even though it has everything, there is no one there to take pleasure in it.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΣΤ, 27

Envy is an infected wound of the soul.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΛΗ, 48

During sea voyages, we should obey the captain, and in life, we should obey those with reason.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 41

Prudence is the harmony of the soul while prudents are those who are not easily mistaken.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 45

Like those who sail in a calm sea and are prepared in case of a tempest, those who live happily have everything required ready in case of misfortune.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 67

As in an empty ship, you need the ballast, so too in man’s soul, there should be the ballast of wisdom.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 72

Reason is the increasing power of the soul. In life, as in drama, the first say should not go to the richest, but to the wisest.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 85

A man cannot make safe use of wealth without reason in the same way that he cannot steer a horse without a bridle.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 90

Poverty is slight prudence.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ϟΕ, 18


Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher that devoted most of his mature life to philosophy. He is an enigmatic figure known through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his students Plato and Xenophon and the plays of his contemporary Aristophanes. Socrates himself held that virtue is understanding and that no man knowingly does wrong. Several divergent schools of thought looked to him as their founder, and he has been widely regarded as the type and embodiment of the philosopher.