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Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be, habit will soon render it easy and agreeable.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΘ, 99

Avoid doing what you would blame others for doing.



Βίοι καὶ γνῶμαι τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, Διογένης Λαέρτιος: Α, 36

Plenty of times wrath exposes a man’s mind far worse than madness would.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Κ, 2

More men have become great through study and practice than by nature.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΘ, 66

Regarding political matters, one should have the same stance as with fire. Not too close, so he doesn’t get burned, not too far, so he doesn’t freeze to death.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΕ, 28

When he saw that the gates of Myndos were large but the city small, he said: "Close the gates so that the city doesn't run away".



Βίοι καὶ γνῶμαι τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, Διογένης Λαέρτιος: ΣΤ, 57

Man, when perfected, is the best of animals, but when separated from law and justice, he is the worst of all.



Πολιτικά, 1253a

Gods gave us all the goods in the world, but in return require labor as payment.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΚΘ, 8

Fear is so harmful that many are already suffering from evil before it arrives.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Η, 15

The desires that do not bring pain or sorrow if they are not satisfied are not necessary.



Βίοι καὶ γνῶμαι τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, Διογένης Λαέρτιος: Ι, 148

Men pray to the gods to grant them health, without knowing that this ability lies within them. Through lack of control, they themselves betray their health with their desires.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΗ, 31

When asked why he doesn’t get involved in politics, he replied: "If I practice politics unethically, I will be unpleasant to the gods, and if I do it righteously, I will be unpleasant to the citizens".



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΕ, 29

He advised king Ptolemeus to acquire and study books concerning reign and power, because everything that friends lack the courage to advise their kings, is written in the books.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΜΗ, 27

You should not examine where your friends come from, but their personality. When you need archers you don’t ask for their ancestry but only for their accuracy.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Π, 13

Since things don’t turn out as we expect, we should accept them as they are.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Γ, 53

Do not say a little in many words but a great deal in a few.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΛΕ, 8

Wisdom concerning goods is practiced in four ways. The effort of acquiring them, of maintaining them, of growing them, and of using them properly.



Ἠθικά, 103a

Virtue is a weapon that cannot be taken away from his owner.



Βίοι καὶ γνῶμαι τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, Διογένης Λαέρτιος: ΣΤ, 2

It is vulgar the fact that you sweeten your gullet with the gifts of the bees, while you turn speech, the gift of the gods, bitter with hate.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: Ε, 98

Life is short for the happy man, but long for the unhappy one.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΡΚΑ, 34

If you want to make a man rich, do not give him money but take away from his desires.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΖ, 24

I spit upon luxurious pleasures not for their own sake, but because of the inconveniences that follow them.



Ιωάννου Στοβαίου Ανθολόγιον: ΙΖ, 34

Someone mentioned that he always saw philosophers at rich men's doors. He replied, "So, too, doctors are in attendance on those who are ill, but no one would prefer being ill to being a doctor."



Βίοι καὶ γνῶμαι τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, Διογένης Λαέρτιος: Β, 70

Struggle demands two virtues. Courage and wisdom. Endurance of danger belongs to courage and the correct way of using knowledge belongs to wisdom.



The Fragments of the Pre-Socratics, Hermann Diels: DK 76B8